Revenue Streams

In-platform Display Advertising

Display advertising is a highly lucrative revenue stream as the crypto market is known to have a very high CPM (cost per mille) compared to other industries. DexCheck generates revenue through hand-picked crypto project sponsors who can display approved ads strategically placed inside the platform sections. By charging a fee for these ads, DexCheck can generate significant revenue while also providing valuable advertising opportunities for its sponsors.

DexSwap Aggregator Fees

DexCheck's DexSwap feature generates revenue by providing a reliable and efficient platform for decentralized exchange trading (powered by Kyberswap). This feature is aimed at users who visit the platform on a daily basis and want to execute swaps without the need to open new tabs on DEXs, allowing them to save time and effort. As such, users are willing to pay a small premium to execute trades faster and more conveniently within the platform. With a fee range between 0.2% to 0.5%, DexCheck's DexSwap feature offers significant revenue potential while also delivering valuable benefits to its users.

Sponsored Articles

DexCheck's Crypto News Aggregator provides users with the latest news and updates from dozens of crypto news portals. In addition to these regular articles, the platform also generates revenue through sponsored articles paid by accepted crypto/NFT projects. These articles provide an opportunity for crypto projects to showcase their offerings to DexCheck's user base, while also generating revenue for the platform.

Sponsored AMAs

DexCheck also generates revenue through paid AMAs (Ask Me Anything) sessions, introducing existing and upcoming vetted crypto/NFT projects to the Telegram community. These sessions provide a valuable platform for projects to engage with potential investors and traders, while also generating revenue for the platform.

Overall, these revenue streams provide significant potential for DexCheck to continue expanding its platform offerings and delivering value to its users while also generating revenue.

Last updated