Integrated Blockchains and Future Expansion Plans

DexCheck is committed to providing comprehensive and accurate data analytics across a wide range of blockchains. As of now, DexCheck has integrated the following popular and fast-growing blockchains into its platform:

  • Ethereum: Ethereum, the second-largest blockchain, pioneered smart contracts for decentralized apps (dApps). It hosts a vibrant developer community with various innovative projects, including DeFi and NFTs.

  • Binance Smart Chain: Binance's fast blockchain, compatible with Ethereum, offers quicker transactions and lower fees, ideal for DeFi and dApps.

  • Polygon: Ethereum's Layer 2 scaling solution, tackling scalability, speed, and gas fee issues. It provides a secure, decentralized multi-chain ecosystem for dApp development.

  • Avalanche: Avalanche is a decentralized smart contract platform with sub-second transactions and high throughput. Ideal for DeFi, NFTs, and enterprise applications

  • Arbitrum: Arbitrum boosts Ethereum's scalability with Layer 2 Optimistic Rollups, cutting gas fees and enhancing throughput through off-chain computation and on-chain data.

  • Cronos:'s scalable EVM-compatible blockchain bridges Ethereum and Chain for easy dApp development and access to diverse tools.

  • Fantom: Fantom is a speedy, secure smart contract platform using DAG for quick transactions and low fees, catering to DeFi, gaming, supply chain management, and more.

  • Optimism: Ethereum Layer 2 with Optimistic Rollups for faster transactions and lower gas fees, empowering developers to create high-performance dApps.

  • OKX Chain: OKX Chain is a fast, EVM-compatible blockchain by OKX exchange, fostering a decentralized ecosystem for trading, DeFi, and NFTs, leveraging blockchain security and flexibility.

  • KuCoin Community Chain: KCC is KuCoin's decentralized blockchain, designed for DeFi and NFT projects. It's EVM-compatible, user-friendly, and cost-effective for dApp developers.

  • Base: Base is an Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) platform designed for secure and scalable on-chain applications. Easily deploy any Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) codebase and seamlessly connect users and assets from Ethereum L1, Coinbase, and other compatible chains.

  • zkSync Era: zkSync scales Ethereum with ZK tech on Layer-2, prioritizing values like freedom, self-sovereignty, and decentralization.

  • opBNB: opBNB, in the BNB ecosystem, is a high-performance layer-2 solution with stable, low-cost gas fees. Its 100M block size supports diverse applications like gaming, decentralized exchanges, and digital collectibles for widespread adoption.

DexCheck integrates diverse blockchains to provide users with a wide range of data and opportunities in the digital asset market. We continuously expand our platform by adding EVM-compatible and non-EVM chains to stay ahead in the evolving blockchain ecosystem, making DexCheck a comprehensive analytics platform.

By continually expanding the range of supported blockchains, DexCheck strives to deliver the most complete and up-to-date market insights, empowering users to make well-informed investment decisions across a diverse array of digital assets and networks.

Last updated